From the East
Greetings Brethren and Ladies,
Can you believe it is March already?
This year is flying by so fast! Our Inspector, Worshipful Tom Handell was here for our February Stated Meeting on his official visit. Everyone looked great in their tuxes and our officers did an excellent job of bringing in our Worshipful Inspector. Great job everyone!
Brother Chase spoke in lodge about a few happenings we have coming up. We are planning to have a Hornblower Cruise and Dinner, date and time to be announced, a Crawfish Boil in late May, and a Mardi Gras Poker Night late in the year. If you are interested in planning or helping out, let us know!
We will be having our Auction next month during the Stated Meeting in April. If you have some nice items to bring in and donate or some delicious baked goods, please bring them in! I wanted to bring this up a month early so everyone has time to find that special something to bring in for the Auction. The officers are working hard on their qualifications and we will hopefully have a few degrees coming up soon!
If you haven’t been back to the lodge in a while, come on back and enjoy the fellowship and comradery of our Santa Maria Lodge!
I hope everyone has a wonderful St. Patrick’s Day!
Sincerely and Fraternally,
Ken Bychak - Worshipful Master
From The West
Daylight SAVINGS?
It’s actually “daylight saving time,” not “daylight savings time.” Many people render the term’s second word in its plural form. However, since the word “saving” acts as part of an adjective rather than a verb, the singular is grammatically correct.
Englishman William Willett led the first campaign to implement daylight saving time. While on an early-morning horseback ride around the desolate outskirts of London in 1905, Willett had an epiphany that the United Kingdom should move its clocks forward by 80 minutes between April and October so that more people could enjoy the plentiful sunlight. The Englishman published the 1907 brochure “The Waste of Daylight” and spent much of his personal fortune evangelizing with missionary zeal for the adoption of “summer time.” Year after year, however, the British Parliament stymied the measure, and Willett died in 1915 at age 58 without ever seeing his idea come to fruition.
Germany was the first country to enact daylight saving time. It took World War I for Willett’s dream to come true, but on April 30, 1916, Germany embraced daylight saving time to conserve electricity. (He may have been horrified to learn that Britain’s wartime enemy followed his recommendations before his homeland.) Weeks later, the United Kingdom followed suit and introduced “summer time.”
Daylight saving time in the United States was not intended to benefit farmers, as many people think. Contrary to popular belief, American farmers did not lobby for daylight saving to have more time to work in the fields; in fact, the agriculture industry was deeply opposed to the time switch when it was first implemented on March 31, 1918, as a wartime measure. The sun, not the clock, dictated farmers’ schedules, so daylight saving was very disruptive. Farmers had to wait an extra hour for dew to evaporate to harvest hay, hired hands worked less since they still left at the same time for dinner and cows weren’t ready to be milked an hour earlier to meet shipping schedules.
Not everyone in the United States springs forward and falls back. Hawaii and Arizona—with the exception of the state’s Navajo Nation—do not observe daylight saving time, and the U.S. territories of American Samoa, Guam, Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands and the Northern Mariana Islands also remain on standard time year-round.
Your Senior Warden.
Dave Murray
From the South
Greetings Brethren and Ladies,
I hope that everyone had a wonderful Valentine’s Day!
For March, please come and join us for yet another great meal and warm fellowship. As a reminder, dinner donations can now be made via credit and debit cards with no additional fee!
This month for dinner we will be enjoying a March favorite, corned beef and cabbage along with grilled chicken for those who would prefer.
For those who go out to enjoy St. Patrick’s Day on the 17th, please be careful on the streets.
Chase Murray, Junior Warden
Happy St. Patrick’s Day!!!
We are now three months in to the New Year and I am up to date and have sent out all of the Dues Cards I have received payment for. I am continuing to get Dues payments trickling in. However, we still have many Brothers that have not paid. If you have not paid your 2020 dues, you are officially overdue. If you are 2 or more years in arrears, you may be suspended for non-payment of dues as per the California Masonic Code, Section 809.370. Suspension for Non Payment of Dues. Neither the Master, I, nor any other Brother in Lodge wishes this to happen! PLEASE get caught up and pay your dues.
If you are financially unable to pay your dues, please contact the Master to discuss.
If you have lost your envelope, you can mail your dues to:
Santa Maria Lodge No. 580, PO Box 68, Ramona, CA 92065
You can pay dues online at the link found at the top of the page. You can make payments for 2018, 2019 and 2020 there. If you have paid and have not received your card in a reasonable amount of time, please contact me at 951-970-4294 or e-mail me and I will take care of it.
Have you ever wanted to do more to help the Lodge? Now is the time! We are looking for a few Brothers to commit to learning the 1st, 2nd and 3rd Degree Perambulations and Charges. If you have ever wanted to participate in Ritual, but cannot commit to getting in line, this is the perfect opportunity!! Please contact me and we can discuss practices and help working on your Ritual. Hope to see you in the Lodge!
Bill Graham, PM
Donations to the California Masonic Foundation when you shop Amazon!
Brothers and Families, we all shop often online and from Amazon. Use your Amazon account to make donations to the California Masonic foundation every time you shop.
What is AmazonSmile?
AmazonSmile is a simple way for you to support your favorite charitable organization every time you shop, at no cost to you. When you shop at, you’ll find the exact same low prices, vast selection and convenient shopping experience as, with the added benefit that Amazon will donate 0.5% of your eligible purchases to the charitable organization of your choice. You can choose from over one million organizations to support.
How do I shop at AmazonSmile?
To shop at AmazonSmile simply go to from the web browser on your computer or mobile device. You may also want to add a bookmark to to make it even easier to return and start your shopping at AmazonSmile.
Can I use my existing account on AmazonSmile?
Yes, you use the same account on and AmazonSmile. Your shopping cart, Wish List, wedding or baby registry, and other account settings are also the same.
Michael Reher, Marshall
Calendar of Events
3rd Degree Anniversaries
Dave Murray (3 Years)
Chase Murray (3 Years)
James Kreifeldt II (11 Years)
Stephen Feezell (13 Years)
Glenn Hinton (13 Years)
Michael McCleary (45 Years)
February Birthdays
Bryan Young (4th)
Julian Feezell (6th)
Richard Walworth (7th)
Charles Taylor Jr. (9th)
Judd Keener (10th)
John Bryant (11th)
Stephen Feezell (12th)
Cole Sulser (12th)
Milton Taylor Jr. (13th)
James Anthony Jr. (19th)
Elvin Reamey II (22nd)
Douglas Fender (26th)
Joseph Ybarra (27th)
Note: If your birthday is listed as the wrong day, please contact the Secretary by using Contact Us located above.
Lodge Officer Directory
Master - Ken Bychak (Laura)
Senior Warden - Dave Murray (Catheren)
Junior Warden - Chase Murray
Treasurer - Bob Weldon (Brenda)
Secretary - Bill Graham, PM (Teri)
Chaplain - Keith Cochenour (Caren)
Senior Deacon - Peter Johnson
Junior Deacon - Rex McCray
Marshall - Michael Reher
Senior Steward - Michael Norton (Nhan)
Junior Steward - Kenneth Bychak
Tiler - Bruce Smith (PM) (Beverly)
Santa Maria Masonic Building
Association (SMMBA) Directory
President - Peter Krickhuhn (PM)
Vice President - Chase Murray
CFO - Pete Johnson
Secretary - Michael Rehar