From the East
Brethren and Ladies,
I hope everyone is staying safe out there. The Corona Virus is still here, and we are still unable to meet. As of now, cases seem to be increasing. Hopefully, all this will end soon, and we will be back to some semblance of normalcy. On the bright side, it is July and we will be celebrating our Independence Day. If nothing else, get some hotdogs and burgers and BBQ in your backyard. Safely and with social distancing of course.
During these unprecedented times, it is important for us all to be there for each other. To know that we can pick up the phone and request assistance or even to say hello. If anyone needs anything or just wants to talk or chat, you are always welcome to call or email me at any time. If people are interested in a Zoom meeting or Skypeing or just a friendly call, let me or one of the officers know. We can set something up. It may be fun just to see what everyone looks like being stuck in quarantine!
I have heard that Worshipful Bruce Smith is going in for a hip replacement. Please keep him in your prayers and if you have time, shoot him a text or a call to make sure he is doing well.
Take care and stay safe everyone.
Sincerely and Fraternally,
Ken Bychak - Worshipful Master
From The West
To My Masonic Family
I hope this month finds you all in good health. Just when we thought things were going to start moving toward normality, up pops the COVID numbers again, and we are looking at extending the shutdown. I cannot say what is real or what is not at this point. There have been so many lives impacted financially, mentally, and yes some have succumbed to this horrible virus. Just keep God in your heart, and your friends and family in your prayers, and we WILL get through this.
At this point we have no idea when, or how, we will meet again for Lodge. Please have comfort in knowing your Worshipful Master is engaged and we continue to do the business of the Lodge as your Line of officers. I will say there are a number of items we will need to discuss, so hopefully when we are released to meet again, you all can make it.
If there is ever anything you need, or I can help with please call me. You are my Lodge, my Brothers, my Family. A couple of Brothers I know could use a good thought and a prayer this month: Worshipful Brother John Ford Worshipful Brother Bruce Smith
A short update from the SMMBA
We are still in escrow for the sale of the 1175 Main St Building. Due to the current financial uncertainty, and the unknowns from the Pandemic, the buyer had requested a 120-day escrow. He made a significant deposit, so his sincerity and commitment for the purchase on not in question. We expect to close escrow in August and we will keep you all abreast of the final sale and numbers when the sale is complete. Once we have closed this sale, we will again, take up the work to restore and renovate of our wonderful Lodge.
We have signed a lease for a portion of the downstairs to the Turning Pointe School of Dance. They are relocating from a different facility, and I am excited to see them continue to grow their business in the new location. I expect great things from them, and who knows, we may even see these wonderful kids perform for one of our stated dinners
Your Senior Warden.
Dave Murray
From the South
Greetings Brethren and Ladies,
As we still continue to deal with the pandemic, please do your best to keep yourself and your families safe. With the reopening of the country, which includes some of our local businesses, do not take these events as “everything is back to normal.” Please continue practicing social distancing where able, as well as washing of hands else we run the risk of another rise in virus spread.
Chase Murray, Junior Warden
I hope everyone is continuing to stay safe! While the world is starting to slowly open up, please continue to take care of yourselves and your families. If any Brother needs help, please contact the Master, one of the Pillars or myself. We will do our best to help you or refer you to a service that can help. Even as we continue to Social Distance from each other, remember, we are one family and it is our duty to help one another!
At this time the Grand Lodge has not eased the restrictions on meetings. However, they have stated that there will be a process coming that will allow us to meet again. The Grand Lodge is creating a template of the plan to follow. Once we have the requirements and directions, we will create our plan and implement it. Currently, we do not expect to have a July Stated Meeting. If this changes, the Master will get word sent out and inform you of our status.
The year continues to move on and there are still approximately 25 Brothers who have not yet paid their dues. As you know, the Lodge pays Per Capita to the Grand Lodge every August. The Lodge must pay this every year, whether you pay your dues or not. By not paying your dues in a timely manner, you infringe on the Lodge finances and affect your Brothers.
If you are financially unable to pay your dues, please contact the Master to discuss.
Please remit a check in the envelope provided with your dues notice. If you have lost your envelope, you can mail your dues to:
Santa Maria Lodge No. 580 PO Box 68, Ramona, CA 92065
You can also go to our website,, and pay online. You can make payments for 2018, 2019 and 2020 there. If you have paid and have not received your card in a reasonable amount of time, please contact me at 951-970-4294 or e-mail me at and I will take care of it.
Bill Graham, PM
Donations to the California Masonic Foundation when you shop Amazon!
Brothers and Families, we all shop often online and from Amazon. Use your Amazon account to make donations to the California Masonic foundation every time you shop.
What is AmazonSmile?
AmazonSmile is a simple way for you to support your favorite charitable organization every time you shop, at no cost to you. When you shop at, you’ll find the exact same low prices, vast selection and convenient shopping experience as, with the added benefit that Amazon will donate 0.5% of your eligible purchases to the charitable organization of your choice. You can choose from over one million organizations to support.
How do I shop at AmazonSmile?
To shop at AmazonSmile simply go to from the web browser on your computer or mobile device. You may also want to add a bookmark to to make it even easier to return and start your shopping at AmazonSmile.
Can I use my existing account on AmazonSmile?
Yes, you use the same account on and AmazonSmile. Your shopping cart, Wish List, wedding or baby registry, and other account settings are also the same.
Michael Reher, Marshall
Calendar of Events
3rd Degree Anniversaries
Robert Weldon, PM (42 Years)
Shannon Mc Keirnan Jr. (13 Years
Julian Feezell (12 Years)
Martin Urias (12 Years)
James Feezell, PM (11 Years)
Cyril Roseman (11 Years)
Ralph Muniz (9 Years)
Jacob Hinton (6th)
Michael Bonner (7th)
Joseph Eger (7th)
Glen Hinton (13th)
Kenneth Bychak Sr. (17th)
Raymond Garcia (24th)
Note: If your birthday is listed as the wrong day, please contact the Secretary by using Contact Us located above.
Lodge Officer Directory
Master - Ken Bychak (Laura)
Senior Warden - Dave Murray (Catheren)
Junior Warden - Chase Murray
Treasurer - Bob Weldon, PM (Brenda)
Secretary - Bill Graham, PM (Teri)
Chaplain - Keith Cochenour (Caren)
Senior Deacon - Peter Johnson
Junior Deacon - Rex McCray
Marshall - Michael Reher
Senior Steward - Michael Norton (Nhan)
Junior Steward - Kenneth Bychak
Tiler - Bruce Smith (PM) (Beverly)
Santa Maria Masonic Building
Association (SMMBA) Directory
President - Peter Krickhuhn, PM
Vice President - Chase Murray
CFO - Pete Johnson
Secretary - Michael Rehar