From the East
Brethren and Ladies,
It is November and normally when we vote for the next years line. I have received information from our new inspectors, Worshipful Gabe Borboa and Worshipful Mark Nielsen. They have recommended we move our elections to the December Stated Meeting due to COVID and to give us adequate time to prepare. This will also give allow for anyone who would like to vote on the incoming line of officers to have to plan to make that meeting. It will be a Zoom meeting and I will be sending out the invitations to it soon.
As a recap, we will be having our elections at the December Stated Meeting.
Installation will most likely be virtual this year. We are awaiting information from the Inspectors and Grand Lodge on how and when we will have it. When I hear from them, I will let you know.
We have a new Grand Master, Most Worshipful Arthur H. Weiss. He was installed at the Annual Communication this year. He has put into effect two new decisions. One is that there will be no in person Masonic-sponsored meetings or events of any kind in this state. It does allow funeral and burial services. The second allows us to have virtual Stated and Special meetings only to conduct required business and Installations. Such meetings must be held without the Lodge opening or closing ceremonies in the Ritual and without any other esoteric or secret portion of the Ritual. We will be having our first official virtual meeting at the November Stated Meeting.
I know this is a very challenging time and it is hard to get information and understand what is going on. When I receive more information, I will pass it along to everyone. For now, please join our Zoom meetings to learn the most up to date information.
Sincerely and Fraternally,
Ken Bychak - Worshipful Master
From The West
I apologize for the short submission this month as I’m typing this on my phone, in the mountains of North West Idaho. For those that aren’t aware, this is my annual “get-away” for deer and elk hunting.
Sitting on the top of a mountain, looking across an open meadow surrounded by timber, 16 degrees, with a 15 mph wind blowing straight into your face is about invigorating as it gets. It also really puts things into perspective as to what’s important in life, and just how simple it is to set aside things that just aren’t that important. I sit here thinking about my childhood, how things were. We were dirt poor, and I had no idea... I didn’t have a care in the world. Today- I am having that same experience. Separated from the world’s trouble and enjoying this creation before me. Why can’t life be this simple?
The moral here; take time for yourself and enjoy those memories that bring you back to the times that bring you joy.
Have a blessed November. Hopefully, it won’t be long until we can share and make those memories again.
Your Senior Warden.
Dave Murray
From the South
Greetings Brethren and Ladies,
As we STILL continue to deal with the pandemic, please do your best to keep yourself and your families safe. With the opening, closing, re-opening, re-closing, and re-re-opening of certain aspects of the country, which has affected some of our local businesses, do not take these events as “everything is back to normal.” Please continue practicing social distancing where able, as well as washing of hands to assist in combating the virus spread.
Chase Murray, Junior Warden
The Grand Lodge states that we still cannot meet in person or have any Masonic functions. With this, the Worshipful Master has set up Zoom virtual meetings and they have been fun! It is good to chat with our Brothers even if we cannot meet in person. All Brothers are encouraged to join us.
If any Brother needs help, please contact the Master, one of the Pillars or me. We will do our best to help you or refer you to a service that can help. Even as we continue to Social Distance from each other, remember, we are one family and it is our duty to help one another!
While we cannot meet, we still need to work on our qualifications. If you are in line, or are hoping to get in line, please continue to work on your next level of qualification. I can meet you one on one, maintain social distance and work with you as needed.
iMember 2.0 is in full swing. Please go check it out at There are many things you can do there such as changing your address, changing your personal information, locate lodges, find resources and documents. Maintaining your contact information ensures that you will receive all notices that the Lodge sends out in a timely manner. Please go check it out!
The 2021 Dues Notices will be out by the end of November. When you receive them, please remit payment in the envelope provided. The website will also be updated to accept the 2021 payments. Please make your payments when you get them. Your Lodge relies on you to pay your dues that allows the Lodge to function and meet all of its obligations.
If you are financially unable to pay your dues, please contact the Master to discuss.
Please remit a check in the envelope provided with your dues notice. If you have lost your envelope, you can mail your dues to:
Santa Maria Lodge No. 580 PO Box 68, Ramona, CA 92065
You can also go to our website,, and pay online. You can make payments for 2018, 2019 and 2020 there. If you have paid and have not received your card in a reasonable amount of time, please contact me at 951-970-4294 or e-mail me at and I will take care of it.
Bill Graham, PM
Donations to the California Masonic Foundation when you shop Amazon!
Brothers and Families, we all shop often online and from Amazon. Use your Amazon account to make donations to the California Masonic foundation every time you shop.
What is AmazonSmile?
AmazonSmile is a simple way for you to support your favorite charitable organization every time you shop, at no cost to you. When you shop at, you’ll find the exact same low prices, vast selection and convenient shopping experience as, with the added benefit that Amazon will donate 0.5% of your eligible purchases to the charitable organization of your choice. You can choose from over one million organizations to support.
How do I shop at AmazonSmile?
To shop at AmazonSmile simply go to from the web browser on your computer or mobile device. You may also want to add a bookmark to to make it even easier to return and start your shopping at AmazonSmile.
Can I use my existing account on AmazonSmile?
Yes, you use the same account on and AmazonSmile. Your shopping cart, Wish List, wedding or baby registry, and other account settings are also the same.
Michael Reher, Marshall
Calendar of Events
Lodge Officer Directory
Master - Ken Bychak (Laura)
Senior Warden - Dave Murray (Catheren)
Junior Warden - Chase Murray
Treasurer - Bob Weldon, PM (Brenda)
Secretary - Bill Graham, PM (Teri)
Chaplain - Keith Cochenour (Caren)
Senior Deacon - Peter Johnson
Junior Deacon - Rex McCray
Marshall - Michael Reher
Senior Steward - Michael Norton (Nhan)
Junior Steward - Kenneth Bychak
Tiler - Bruce Smith (PM) (Beverly)
Santa Maria Masonic Building
Association (SMMBA) Directory
President - Peter Krickhuhn, PM
Vice President - Chase Murray
CFO - Pete Johnson
Secretary - Michael Rehar