From the East
Greetings Brethren and Ladies,
September is now upon us and COVID is still around. At least it’s a lot less now and we are able to meet and see each other. We will be having our Stated Meeting for September on Monday 13 and will be having a dinner. Hope to see you all there!
Speaking of our September Stated Meeting, we will be discussing future plans for improvement of the lodge and voting to release some funds for it. We will be talking about a new roof, windows, doors, etc. If you are interested in hearing about the great plans we have for our amazing lodge, please come to the Stated Meeting.
We plan to have a Progressive Dinner coming up in October. The officers and I will be discussing dates and places at our officers meeting and will let everyone know where and when we will have it. I look forward to seeing you there and eating a bunch of good food!
If anyone has any ideas for get-togethers or has any questions or concerns, please let me or one of the officers know.
Ken Bychak II - Worshipful Master
From The West
Here we are, September already. It’s hard to believe the year has almost past. We have had some seen some successes since being able to meet once again. Congratulations to Brother Chase Murray and Brother Pete Johnson for completing their proficiencies in the 3rd Degree. In addition, everyone is working hard to meet his qualifications for the upcoming Masonic year, is so chosen to serve by the brethren in November.
Worshipful Bill Graham, our Secretary has added reminders in the Secretaries section regarding dues. To reiterate – in order for you NOT to be delinquent, dues are to be received in advance of the Masonic Year. This means your 2022 dues should be received NO LATER than 31 December 2021. Each year we have numerous brother submitting their payments June, July, or not at all.
Please take note – It is NOT the desire of the lodge to suspend a brother for non-payment of dues. However, keep in mind, the lodge is responsible to pay “per capita” to the Grand Lodge for each member on the role. This means if you do not pay your dues, your brethren are bearing your burden. In the event you are not financially unable to pay your dues, please contact the Master. There are measures to relieve a brother in these cases.
Dave Murray - Senior Warden
From the South
Welcome to September! I’d like to give a congratulations to Brother Pete Johnson who completed an excellent delivery of his MM proficiency, well done and thank you for allowing me to be your examiner.
As mentioned by Worshipful Bychak, we will be having our Stated Meeting in-person again this month (13SEP) with dinner beforehand at the normal 06:30pm starting time. As of now, we’re hoping to have BBQ for dinner but that may change last minute if something comes up.
I hope to see everyone soon and keep yourselves cool and safe during these high temperatures.
Chase Murray - Junior Warden (Elect)
Per Capita has been payed to the Grand Lodge. The Lodge had to pay for every member, whether you have paid your dues or not. There are 31 Members with an outstanding balance of $5104.50. That is money that the Lodge is supposed to have and we do not. This makes balancing the Master’s Budget, giving to charity, paying our Per Capita bill etc. very difficult. By not paying your dues in a timely manner, you have infringed on the Lodge finances and affected your Brothers.
If you have not paid your 2021 dues, you are officially overdue. If you are 2 or more years in arrears, you may be suspended for non-payment of dues as per the California Masonic Code, Section 809.370. Suspension for Non Payment of Dues. Neither the Master, I, nor any other Brother in Lodge wishes this to happen! PLEASE get caught up and pay your dues.
iMember 2.0 is in full swing. Please go check it out at There are many things you can do there such as changing your address, your personal information, locate lodges, find resources and documents. Maintaining your contact information ensures that you will receive all notices that the Lodge sends out in a timely manner. Please go check it out!
If you are financially unable to pay your dues, please contact the Master to discuss.
If you have lost your envelope, you can mail your dues to:
Santa Maria Lodge No. 580,
PO Box 68, Ramona, CA 92065
You can also go to our website,, and pay online. If you have paid and have not received your card in a reasonable amount of time, please contact me at 951-970-4294 or and I will take care of it.
Bill Graham, PM - Secretary
Have you moved? Changed your phone number? Changed your e-mail address? Have you notified the Lodge if you have done any of these things?? In an ongoing effort to ensure that all member get due and timely notice of all Lodge information, it is important that you keep your information updated with us.
I would greatly appreciate it if all of you would log in to, go to the My Profile section and ensure that all of your address/phone number/e-mail is up to date. This will automatically update the i-member section that I use as the Secretary to for your mailings and other contacts.
Donations to the California Masonic Foundation when you shop Amazon!
Brothers and Families, we all shop often online and from Amazon. Use your Amazon account to make donations to the California Masonic foundation every time you shop.
What is AmazonSmile?
AmazonSmile is a simple way for you to support your favorite charitable organization every time you shop, at no cost to you. When you shop at, you’ll find the exact same low prices, vast selection and convenient shopping experience as, with the added benefit that Amazon will donate 0.5% of your eligible purchases to the charitable organization of your choice. You can choose from over one million organizations to support.
How do I shop at AmazonSmile?
To shop at AmazonSmile simply go to from the web browser on your computer or mobile device. You may also want to add a bookmark to to make it even easier to return and start your shopping at AmazonSmile.
Can I use my existing account on AmazonSmile?
Yes, you use the same account on and AmazonSmile. Your shopping cart, Wish List, wedding or baby registry, and other account settings are also the same.
Calendar of Events
Lodge Officer Directory
Master - Ken Bychak (Laura)
Senior Warden - Dave Murray (Catheren)
Junior Warden - Chase Murray
Treasurer - Bob Weldon, PM (Brenda)
Secretary - Bill Graham, PM (Teri)
Chaplain - Don Ruch, PM
Senior Deacon - Peter Johnson
Junior Deacon - Kenneth Bychak
Marshall - Michael Reher
Senior Steward - Rex McCray
Tiler - Bruce Smith (PM) (Beverly)
Santa Maria Masonic Building
Association (SMMBA) Directory
President - Peter Krickhuhn, PM
Vice President - Chase Murray
CFO - Pete Johnson
Secretary - Michael Rehar