From the East
Brethren,Welcome to February. It’s time for us to pick up our tools and go back to work on the trade which we have committed our service. As such, my primary focus, as a Lodge, for the months to come will be:
1. Return to the basics of Freemasonry;
2. Fine-tune our Ritual work - primarily in support of conferring the degrees we have ahead of us;.
3. To inculcate transparency in the official conduct and actions of our Lodge, our officers and our committees.
4. To bring fellowship back to Santa Maria Lodge for the many Brothers who have not attended in a long while.
I know, this is ambitious my Brothers, none of which can be accomplished without your support and willingness to participate. However, what are we as masons, if we do not strive to improve ourselves in Masonry? Here’s how I believe that we can begin bringing content back to our craft.
First, getting back to the basics of Freemasonry. We, each of us, should read or re-read the Grand Lodge CMC, our By-Laws, and assorted documents. It is our duty to recall why we joined the Craft in the first place and refresh our memories of the Obligations that, of our own free will and accord, we each swore to keep steadfast in the due performance of the same. I will try to make as many of these documents available within the next few weeks.
Next, Fine-tune our Ritual work - The only way to accomplish this is by practice, practice, practice! I will be asking all of the Officers, to make every effort to attend our regularly scheduled Ritual Practices on Thursdays and the Officers School of Instruction (OSI) the third Monday of each month, to learn or practice ritual, degree work, memory or floor-work and expand on our education in Masonry. We have been very lax in these efforts and need to get back to it.
It seems that past several years, committees are set with names attached and no actions or accomplishments occur. It is my intent, to reconstitute our committees wherever possible. To make use of Standing and special-purpose committees, to examine issues, suggestions, problems, et cetera, and have them bring recommendations to the brethren for deliberation and, where necessary vote for change. As such, for each Stated Meeting the agenda will include reports from the chairmen of the Committees, where such is appropriate and timely.
We will immediately began the process of reaching out to Brothers on our membership roll, with invitation to re-join the fold and come back to Lodge, or just a friendly conversation. For those who are local, if you are paying your dues, why not come to Lodge? It is important that our Brothers know that they are missed.
As I have mentioned in months past, as the Master of “your” Lodge, I am at service and can be reach anytime via email at or cell at 619.302.1223, for questions, concerns, or conversation.
Dave Murray, PM - Worshipful Master
From The South
Dear Brethren and Ladies,
It seems that I am starting my way up the line to the time honored seat in the East ...again. I want to thank all of you who have voted for me and will support me in the future.
I want to mention that for the month of February we are going to be having the "Chili Cook Off" event for our stated meeting dinner. This has always been a fun event, so please try not to miss this dinner. The entries will be judged by a panel of three judges and there will be prizes for the top 3 contestants.
There will be no charge for the dinner and I'm sure there will be more chili than we can possibly consume. SO...Bring a crock pot full of your best homemade chili and your family. If you have a non Masonic friend bring them along as well
Don Ruch, PM - Junior Warden
Secretary’s Corner
Welcome to February. The Masonic Year is in full swing. We have several candidates in the mix and we will be making new Mason’s. We also have a couple of 3rd Degrees upcoming. I hope many of you can attend the ceremonies and help to celebrate with the new Brothers! We are meeting at 0800 on the 2nd and 4th Saturday’s of the month at the Lodge for coffee and then breakfast. Our candidates are often there to meet the Brothers. Come join us and get to know these fine men that are looking to join our Fraternity.
I am slowly receiving Dues payments, however, there are still 48 Brothers that are in arrears. Remember, you have an obligation to pay your dues. If you have not made your payment, you are overdue. The dues for 2023 are $121.00. Per our By-Laws, the calculation is $60.00 + per capita rounded up to the nearest dollar. Per capita is $60.25 this year, which gives us our total of $121.00.
If you are in arrears for your dues, you need to pay all that is owed to be brought back in to good standing. As an example, if you pay for 2023 only, and owe for 2022, I cannot send you your 2023 dues card. You are still in arrears and will need to bring your dues up to date first. Please contact the Master or myself to discuss this if you have any questions.
If you are 2 or more years in arrears, you may be suspended for non-payment of dues as per the California Masonic Code, Section 809.370. Suspension for Non Payment of Dues. Neither the Master, I, nor any other Brother in Lodge wishes this to happen!
Please go to and check out your personal information. Ensure that your email, mailing address, phone number etc are correct. This is how the Lodge and the Grand Lodge contact you. It is important that this information be up to date. If you have trouble doing this, please contact me and I will assist you. Maintaining your contact information ensures that you will receive all notices that the Lodge and the Grand Lodge sends out in a timely manner. Please go check it out!
If you are financially unable to pay your dues, please contact the Master to discuss.
If you have lost your envelope, you can mail your dues to:
Santa Maria Lodge No. 580,
PO Box 68, Ramona, CA 92065
You can also go to our website,, and pay online. If you have paid and have not received your card in a reasonable amount of time, please contact me at 951-970-4294 or and I will take care of it.
Bill Graham, PM - Secretary
Have you moved? Changed your phone number? Changed your e-mail address? Have you notified the Lodge if you have done any of these things?? In an ongoing effort to ensure that all member get due and timely notice of all Lodge information, it is important that you keep your information updated with us.
I would greatly appreciate it if all of you would log in to, go to the My Profile section and ensure that all of your address/phone number/e-mail is up to date. This will automatically update the i-member section that I use as the Secretary to for your mailings and other contacts.
Calendar of Events
Lodge Officer Directory
Master - Dave Murray (Catheren)
Senior Warden - Chase Murray
Junior Warden (Elect) - Peter Johnson
Treasurer - Ken Bychak II, PM (Laura)
Secretary - Bill Graham, PM (Teri)
Chaplain - Don Ruch, PM (Vicki)
Marshal - Bruce Smith, PM (Beverly)
Senior Deacon - Vacant
Junior Deacon - Rex McCray
Senior Steward - Bob Weldon, PM (Brenda)
Junior Steward - Cole Dick
Tiler - Mark Lantz
Santa Maria Masonic Building
Association (SMMBA) Directory
President - Peter Krickhuhn, PM
Vice President - Chase Murray
Treasurer - Pete Johnson
Secretary - Dave Murray
Member - Ken Bychak II, PM
Member - Bob Weldon, PM
Member - Don Ruch, PM
Member - Bruce Smith, PM